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Brisbane Meditation
May 9, 20243 min read
What is Enlightenment and How Can We Become Enlightened? The Meditation Method to Become Enlightened
Enlightenment is something humans have searched for throughout history. In this meditation method, we show you what enlightenment is and...
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Brisbane Meditation
Oct 11, 20234 min read
Can Meditation Help Mental Health? 10 Ways Your Mental Health Can Be Improved (Hugh Jackman Shares)
Meditation and mental health - these days it's difficult to think of one without the other and the question always arises, can meditation...
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Brisbane Meditation
Oct 4, 20233 min read
How to Focus and Avoid Distractions - Secret of Meditation, the Natural Remedy (Andrew Huberman)
People often come to meditation as a solution for how to focus and avoid distractions. In a world where digital devices, social media,...
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Brisbane Meditation
Sep 20, 20233 min read
What is the Difference Between Meditation and Yoga? I Want to Fix My Broken Mind and Body!
When people think about meditation, they can often be confused about what it is, getting meditation and yoga mixed up in their mind. This...
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Brisbane Meditation
Sep 6, 20234 min read
Which is the Most Effective Meditation Technique for High Stress Professionals? (A Must Read!)
Having a high stress job can be difficult enough to manage as it is, but if you're also struggling to maintain a work-life balance whilst...
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Brisbane Meditation
Aug 24, 20233 min read
Meditation Music - Myth Busted? Why You Can Never Have Long Term Sustainable Change With Music Alone
Just imagine, you can put on some meditation music and all your problems are gently washed away... But then you get that call from a...
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Brisbane Meditation
Aug 16, 20233 min read
Meditation for Focus and Concentration: Why Removing the Distractions From Your Mind is the Best
Introduction: The Struggle with Focus in a Distracted World Do you have difficulty with focus and concentration? It's a huge problem if...
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Brisbane Meditation
May 17, 20232 min read
Why David Goggins Meditates Every Night and Why You Should Too (meditation is for EVERYONE!)
David Goggins is renowned for his mental strength and discipline. Did you know he meditates every night for 2 hours? This meditation is...
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Brisbane Meditation
May 12, 20233 min read
Do You Need Meditation? What Can Meditation Do For You? A Story and Some Facts About Meditation
You may have heard about meditation a lot but thought "oh it's not really for me, I'm not religious or spiritual". But this is a huge...
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Brisbane Meditation
May 3, 20237 min read
A Simple Beginner's Guide to Meditation in Brisbane - Finding The Right Place to Start Your Journey
Are you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of even starting your meditation journey? Besides this being a perfect sign that you need to...
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Brisbane Meditation
Apr 18, 20233 min read
Distracting Versus Discarding - Learning to Listen To Your Body and Mind (Before it Explodes!)
When you are stressed, anxious, or in any kind of discomfort, what are some of your first responses? If you're like most people, you're...
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Brisbane Meditation
Apr 6, 20232 min read
Why is Moving the Body Important for Meditation? Why Does Enlightenment Need More Than Sitting?
There is a common misconception that one can achieve enlightenment simply by sitting and meditating. A true meditation practice is one in...
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Brisbane Meditation
Mar 21, 20236 min read
What Makes Discarding Meditation One of the Most Effective? How is it Different to Other Meditation?
Are you looking for a way out of stress and anxiety, more focus and clarity and presence, more peace and calm, or just a better night's...
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Brisbane Meditation
Mar 8, 20234 min read
Meditation to Clear the Mind - Why Focusing on the Present is a Lie!
I'm sure you've heard meditation is an excellent tool for clearing the mind and bringing you back into the present moment. I'm also sure...
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Brisbane Meditation
Feb 28, 20233 min read
As an entrepreneur, how can I manage my stress levels at work? Get rid of it your mind and body!
As an entrepreneur, managing your stress can be a huge problem when you're trying to start up or run a business. Stress can consume the...
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Brisbane Meditation
Feb 21, 20234 min read
What's the best meditation to get rid of stress? How our past creates stress (even Richard Branson!)
There are so many different types of meditations out there, it's difficult to know which one is the right one, particularly when it comes...
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Brisbane Meditation
Jan 31, 20234 min read
Struggling to focus while meditating? Scientifically proven tips and what the Dalai Lama says
First of all, you need to know that this perfectly normal, so go easy on yourself and give yourself a break. It would be the equivalent...
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Brisbane Meditation
Dec 6, 20222 min read
Happy students experiences
This method is really producing the results and changing peoples lives. Not just in our centre, but in centre's all around Australia and...
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Brisbane Meditation
Nov 29, 20224 min read
What is the goal of this meditation?
The goal of this meditation is to make people live eternally. The consequence of this is that all stress, pain, burdens, and doubts...
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Brisbane Meditation
Nov 1, 20223 min read
Is meditation "spiritual"?
The simple answer is no, it isn't. Now for the longer answer and the reason why it isn't. Let's try to understand this with a thought...
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