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"I'm Too Busy to Meditate" - That's Exactly Why We Need to Meditate, Because That's Only in the Mind


Everyone these days seems to be living a busy life, and our solution is usually cover it over with a band aid - go on a holiday or out to nature to escape from ourselves.

The reason why we feel like we're living a busy life is because we have a busy mind - it's overflowing.

So I will outline how meditation helps you overcome this mental trap.

We often go on holidays or out to nature to escape our busy life - but it's all in the mind!
We often go on holidays or out to nature to escape our busy life - but it's all in the mind!

"I'm too busy to meditate" - the death trap

When we are feeling busy, there's often a feeling of stress or anxiety in the background.

It may sound dramatic, but did you know stress reduces your lifespan?

Always being on the run creates stress and it's running your body clock into the ground according to a study done by Yale.

Stress has also been shown to damage telomeres, which is also related to your lifespan.

Therefore, it's rather ironic that trying to squeeze as much as you can out of life is actually shortening it all together!

This is not to say that things don't get busy - this is perfectly normal - but the feeling of being busy and the source of it is as a result of your own mind and how full of it is.

How do i free myself from a busy mind
The world around you is only as busy as your mind

Why are you even busy? Why not slow down and meditate?

There may well be legitimate reasons you are busy, but if you look at it from a wider perspective - is it worth risking your life for?

If you've found yourself in this trap, the best thing you can do is just slow down, and one of the best ways to slow down is through meditation.

It might sound counter intuitive, but as you clear your mind of all the things racing around in there, you actually become more productive, as you have more focus and more clarity and a clearer mind with which to perform your tasks.

As a result, you end up having more free time, but being able to achieve much more than you could with a busy mind!

It's simply because we have so much in our mind, it just jumps from 1 thing to the next, taking our attention with it - we're a slave to the mind!

And because the human mind is incomplete, and therefore in a constant of trying to fill itself up, it is always searching from something to derive a sense of completion from.

But you know deep down there are never any answers there, you've likely already experienced it.

So what's more important to you, racing around with a busy mind and speeding up your destination to death? Or slowing down, discarding it from your mind, cleaning your mind, and having space and calmness to be able to do more and still have more time?

how do i stop my mind from being so busy? why does it seem like my mind is so busy
Your mind is so busy because it's full - why not try cleaning it out?


It may sound harsh, but if you knew the damage you were doing to yourself by being trapped in that state with an overflowing mind, you might reconsider your priorities.

So what's more important to you:

  1. Endlessly racing around with a busy mind and speeding up your destiny to death?

  2. Slowing down, cleaning your mind, and having space and calmness to be able to do more and still have time to spare?

I know which one I'd choose, how about you?

39 views2 comments


Bright Wisdom
Bright Wisdom
Jun 07, 2023

Slowing down and cleaning mind! yes, I'd choose that.


Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
Jun 07, 2023

Straight to the point. Love it 😎

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