Are you seeking meditation because your mind is so busy and chaotic, often leading to stress and always trying to find distractions away from your mind? Unfortunately, this only makes it worse and it's because your mind is programmed like a robot. An effective way to change that programming is to do some discarding meditation and find peace within you.

Why do I have a busy mind?
Have you ever felt sometimes that you're a slave to your mind? When you have a busy mind and you want to shut it off, you just can't, and even that thought can make it worse.
It's because your mind is like a robot programmed from the life you have lived, the habits you have inherited from your parents, and your body. When you were born, you had all of your parent's mind traits, just like you have their physical traits. Then as you lived your life, everything you have done has been added on top of that programming.

You have a busy mind because you many thoughts
All those memories, thoughts, feelings, emotions - everything that happens in your mind and body throughout your life keeps building up in your mind, creating a very busy mind.
And so now it's impossible to switch off because the mind is so busy it has taken over.

Having a busy mind also becomes a thought that adds to an even more busy mind!
What you normally do is try to distract yourself away from your mind. But this isn't a band aid solution, it's much worse because the band aid is infected!
All you are doing is creating more thoughts over the top, and this becomes another pattern that you can't break free from, consequently making your mind even more busy.
Sound familiar?
Discarding Meditation is the solution to a busy mind
No problem, we've all been there in some way. Discarding meditation is the solution.
Discarding meditation is like eliminating the thoughts, and clearing away the programming of your mind to allow yourself to be free, rather than enslaved to your mind.

Eliminate the thoughts
It's very simple! Let me show you how in 3 easy steps:
Close your eyes (after reading this) and bring up in your mind a huge fire in front of you
Bring up in your mind a scrunched up piece of paper
Throw it into the fire
What happens to the piece of paper? It burns and disappears.
Everything in your mind can be thrown away like that too, and as you do that continuously with all the programming in your mind, you'll find that place of peace within you that nobody can touch.
It's really that simple!

Now you know why you have such a busy mind. It's because it's programmed like a robot from the life you have lived, and if you keep running away from it, unfortunately you are only making it worse. The simple choice you have is - do you want to be a slave to that programming, or do you want to find peace within your mind?